Tutorial: Balance Reports |
The Portal provides reports under the Balance Reports heading that are responsible for helping managers to balance the banking figures for each Site in the Company. In this tutorial we will discuss the Balance Reports available to the Portal User.
This tutorial is concerned with the Balance Reports section of the Sales Menu. The Sales Menu can be opened by selecting Menus and Sales Menu from the Navigation Menu. Open the Balance Reports section by selecting the Balance Reports link.
The Site Balances link in the Balance Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the Site Tenders Report Summary. This report lists the totals for each Site in the selected State for the week containing the selected Date. The figures displayed for each Site are total sales figures for each day of the week, and correspond to the total amount of money that should be in the tills at the Site. The Display As drop-down list allows you to select whether to display the figures in tabular form or as a line, pie or bar chart.
More details can be obtained on the sales figures by clicking on one of the day's total sales figure. This link opens a detailed report that lists information regarding the sales, tenders, banking, averages, budget and cashier reports for the selected Date and Site.
Further drill-downs are possible by selecting a Department Reference in the Sales section of this report (opens the Item Sales Report), Customer Reference in the Information section (opens the Customer Counts Report) or a Tender in the Tenders or Banking / Takings section (opens the Cashup Detail Report).
The Site Cashups link in the Balance Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the Sites Cashup Report Summary (Tenders) screen. This screen reports on the tenders received in each Site in the selected State during the specified period. The Type drop-down list allows you to view information on tenders or till variance and you can choose to Display As a table form or as a line, pie or bar chart.
Select a day's total to open the Cashup Detail Report for the Site. The Cashup Detail Report lists the tender details for the selected Site on the specified Date.
The Site Banking link in the Balance Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the Sites Banking Report Summary which displays details about each Site's banking totals for the week including the selected Date. This report can be filtered by State and the Type drop-down list can be used to view details of money banked, in the safe, declared by the POS or the till variances for each Site. The Display As drop-down list allows you to view tabular or graphical information for the report. Selecting a total in this report drills down to the Cashup Detail Report.
The Site Journals link in the Balance Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the Journal List Report screen. This report details the transactions that have been sent to the Portal for the selected Site on the specified Date. Information in this report includes the Journal Number, Terminal Number, Operator, Tender, Amount, Transaction Time, Credit Card, Card Expiry Date, Authorisation and Cash Out Amount.
Click on a Journal Number to view detailed information regarding the transaction. This drill-down report displays the Transaction Header details as well as the itemised journal entry for the transaction. The Transaction Header details include the Site Name, Terminal Number, Journal Number, Shift Number, Date, Time, Duration, Clerk Name and Clerk Number for the transaction. The itemised details include the Item Description, Line Total, Quantity, Discount and Tender Details for the transaction. Item descriptions can be selected to open the Inventory Management screen for the item.
In this tutorial we have discussed the Balance Reports available to you in the Sales Menu. These reports are designed to provide useful information for banking and till balancing at the Sites of the Company.