Company Options |
The Portal has a wide range of configuration options that makes it highly adaptable and suitable to a variety of businesses. Settings in the Company Options screen become global throughout the Company, but many options can be overridden at the Site level in the Site Options screen. This topic looks at the Company Options Maintenance screen in detail. To open the Company Options Maintenance screen, click on Menus and Sites, followed by Company and Company Options.
Company Options are configured on a per-Group basis. Select the Group to configure from the drop-down list. Because there are so many options to configure, the Company Options Maintenance screen is broken down into Sections. The Sections that can be selected from the drop-down list are:
Artist, allows you to change the soft descriptions of the artist labels. For example, if your Company calls CD Labels a "CD Cover", enter that in the CD Label Label option.
Balance Report, configures the Balance Report screen. Set whether to show points redemptions as a discount (or as a tender by setting it to False), budget figures, costs, declared figures and taxes in the report.
Clerk Report, allows you to set whether the Clerk Report includes statistics of transactions with debtor items, debtor payments or no items at all.
Creditors, configures the way in which the Company's Creditors are handled by the Portal. Group Like Payments enables the grouping of payments into the ledger for Online Banking. Hide DSD Flag can be set to allow just one standard style of supplier (as opposed to the three types that the Portal offers otherwise). Sort By Name causes all Creditor reports to sort according to supplier name.
Debtors, configures the Company's Debtors and statements in the Portal. Enable Auto Payment Match sets the Portal to automatically match debtor payments to invoices. Enable Check Email Address sets a new Debtor's email address domain to be validated when the Debtor is saved. Enable Correct Balance causes the debtor balance to be recalculated and set every time a statement is created. Enable Display Currency displays the Company's currency symbol on all debtor statements. Enable Item Number displays the Portal's item numbers on debtor statements. Enable Price Edit allows the operator to change the price charged to a Debtor. Enable Statement Shading causes each alternate line in a debtor statement to be shaded when viewed on the screen. Force ID causes the Debtor ID to be automatically generated by the Portal when the debtor is created. Force Unique ID sets the Company's Debtors to have unique IDs. Invoice Enable Top / Bottom Headers causes invoices to have headers and footers. Invoice Letterhead Gap sets the number of millimetres to allow for a printed letterhead. Logo allows you to choose an uploaded image to print on the Company's debtor statements if Logo Enable is set to true. Logo Position sets where to place the logo in the debtor statement where 0 is left, 1 is centre and 2 is right justified. Logo Width sets the width of the logo in the debtor statement - the height of the image is scaled accordingly. Max Length ID sets the maximum number of characters in the Debtor ID, and Min Length ID sets the minimum. Statement Aging enables the debtor statements to show balances according to 30, 60, 90 and 120 day balances rather than just a total balance. Statement Enable Landscape sets the debtor statements for the Company to be printed in landscape mode, or portrait mode if false. Statement Enable Shading sets the printed debtor statements to have alternate lines shaded. Statement Enable Top / Bottom Headers sets debtor statements to contain headers and footers. Statement Letterhead Gap sets the gap in millimetres to allow for a printed letterhead in debtor statements. Statement Paper Size allows you to set the size of paper used for debtor statements.
Default Departments, allows you to set the default Department IDs in the Company. Skip TRS Tax skips departments holding TRS Tax Inclusive values.
Department, allows you to specify whether to sort department-based reports by department name or department number.
Edit Grids, allows you to set the way in which form grids are used. You can set the mode of operation to "Fast Grid" and set the maximum number of lines in the grids.
Franchise, configures the franchise settings for the Company in the Portal. Add Default to Retail sets all undefined departments and divisions to be added to the Retail division. Division for Discount specifies the division that discounts are applied to. Exclude Departments allows you to specify a comma separated list of department numbers to be excluded from Franchise reports. Include Item Discounts and Include Sales Discounts specifies whether discounts on items or entire sales should be included in Franchise reports.
IBT, allows you to specify the number of manual processes for completion of a stock reordering process.
Inventory, configures the way in which the Company handles its Stock. The following options are available:
Allow Negative GP allows items to be sold at a lower price than their cost price.
Auto Generate Item Numbers causes item numbers to be generated by the Portal when a new item is created.
Auto Generate Item Prefix specifies a prefix for the automatically generated item numbers.
Central Barcode Lock, Central Description Lock and Central Price Lock limits adding and changing barcodes, item descriptions or prices respectively to Head Office only.
Central Force Firstcase, Central Force Lowercase and Central Force Uppercase specifies how item descriptions are saved to the Portal - Firstcase means that the first letter of each word in the description is uppercase and all other letters are lowercase; Lowercase means that item descriptions are completely lowercase; and Uppercase means that item descriptions are completely uppercase; if all are set to false, the item description is saved as the user enters it.
Central Global No Delay, Central Global No Price Delay and Central No Price Delay causes changes made at Head Office to inventory items to be updated across all sites without delay.
Central Prevent Zero Cost prevents items from being saved with a cost of zero.
Cost Inc On Create causes new items' costs to be inclusive of tax.
Default DSD Item sets new items to be set as DSD items by default.
Default Disable Qty Key Flag disables the quantity key for new items.
Default Discount Flag sets the discount flag for new items.
Default Discount Max specifies the maximum discount allowable.
Default Max SOH specifies the default maximum stock on hand for new items.
Default Min Order Qty specifies the default minimum order quantity.
Default Model Stock specifies the default target model for new items.
Default Pack specifies the default quantity of items in a pack.
Default Reorder Point indicates the default stock level to order items at.
Default Order Qty specifies the default quantity of items to be reordered when that point is reached.
Default Replenishable Flag specifies whether a new item can be reordered by the Portal by default.
Default Send To Terminals Flag specifies whether to send new items to terminals by default.
Default Size specifies the default description of a new item.
Default Tax Inclusive indicates whether the prices are tax-inclusive or exclusive for new items by default.
Default Tax Rate specifies the Tax Rate ID that is used by default when creating new items.
Default Use By Days indicates how many days the item's use by date is by default.
Enable Artist Information, Enable Colour Information and Enable Extra Information indicates whether to allow new items to use Artist, Colour or Fashion details respectively.
Enable Cost Plus Pricing sets the Company to use cost price plus a percentage markup or cost price plus fixed amount in pricing new items.
Use the Enable Ingredients to enable the Ingredients tab in the Inventory Management screen, allowing you to record ingredient information of your stock items.
Level X Cost Plus Fixed / Percentage sets the price level calculation for new stock items - for example, if you set Level 1 Cost Plus Percentage to 90, then the retail price level 1 for new items will be calculated as their cost price plus 90% markup.
Recalc Cost causes the costs to be recalculated if the Tax Inc/Ex flag is changed.
Show Margins specifies whether to display profit margins in the inventory reports.
Supplier Required specifies whether the Supplier of a new item is a required field.
Update Kit Cost indicates whether to set the cost of the kit to the kit item.
Use SOH for Labels specifies whether to set the label generation to create the required number of labels according to the quantity on hand.
Layby, allows you to set whether a layby sale is automatically processed as delivered when the final payment is received.
Ledger, allows you to specify general ledger codes for the various expenses and revenues in the Company.
Loyalty, allows you to configure the Loyalty section of the Portal to meet your Company's needs. Options beginning with the word Capture specify soft descriptions for various labels in the Loyalty screens. Add Email Self Login adds an option for users to login using their email address. Allow SMS on Password Recovery enables PIN recovery to be delivered via SMS messaging. Support Email is the support email address. Use Card as PIN on blank password, Use Email as PIN on blank password and Use Mobile as PIN on blank password specifies the default password for members to log into the Portal with (card number, email address or mobile phone number respectively).
Marketing, allows you to edit the soft description of an element (response) in the Marketing surveys.
Pallet, configures the PDT Pallet Invoicing and Receiving to enable you to invoice or receive stock by the pallet from a PDT device.
PDI, specifies the use of cross reference numbers and retail prices in PDI transfer ordering and receiving of stock.
Price Matrix, configures the Price Matrix to suit the Company's pricing structure. Automatic Matrix - All Stores sets the Price Matrix to run after stock has been received and all stores have their prices updated. Cost Inc specifies that the Price Matrix calculates costs inclusive of tax. Enable Automatic Matrix specifies that the Price Matrix is automatically run after stock is received. Price Matrix Enabled enables the Price Matrix based on cost. Price Matrix Margin specifies that the Price Matrix uses margins as opposed to markups in its calculations. Supplier Price Matrix Enabled specifies supplier-specific Price Matrices based on costs to be used.
Purchase Orders, specifies how the Company handles Purchase Orders in the Portal. Controlled PO means that Purchase Orders must be approved by Head Office. Enable Display Currency prints the currency symbols in the statement. Enable Order Shading sets alternate lines in a Purchase Order to be shaded. Invoice Enable Top / Bottom Headers displays headers and footers on Purchase Orders. Invoice Letterhead Gap specifies the number of millimetres gap to allow for printed letterhead in Purchase Orders. Logo specifies an uploaded image to be attached to Purchase Orders, if the Logo Enable option is set. Logo Position sets the justification of the logo in the Purchase Order, where 0 is left, 1 is centre and 2 is right justified. Logo Width specifies the width of the logo in the Purchase order - the height of the logo will be scaled accordingly. Show Item sets whether or not to display the Portal's item numbers in the Purchase Orders.
Quotes, allows you to specify how quotations are handled by the Portal. Enable Credit enables the credit application screens. Enable Display Currency specifies whether to display currency symbols in a quotation. Enable Item Number specifies whether to display the Portal's item numbers in quotations. Enable Price Edit specifies whether users can edit the price of items when creating quotations.
Requisition, controls how requisitions are handled in the Portal. Allow Cost Edit specifies whether the user can edit the cost of items in requisitions. Auto PO sets whether to automatically generate a purchase order after a requisition is complete. Controlled Requisition forces Head Office to verify all requisition orders. Default Supplier Number sets the requisition default supplier to be used. Enable Display Currency specifies whether to display the Company's currency symbol in requisition orders and Enable Order Shading sets the alternate line shading for printed orders. Group PO sets purchase orders to be combined for multiple requisition orders where possible. Invoice Enable Top / Bottom Headers specifies the requisition orders to include headers and footers. Invoice Letterhead Gap sets the number of millimetres to allow for printed letterhead in requisition orders. Logo specifies an uploaded image to be attached to requisition orders, if the Logo Enable option is set. Logo Position sets the justification of the logo in the requisition order, where 0 is left, 1 is centre and 2 is right justified. Logo Width specifies the width of the logo in the requisition order - the height of the logo will be scaled accordingly. Obey Credit Limit specifies whether to enforce credit limits to be obeyed. Show Item sets whether to display the Portal's item numbers in requisition orders.
Sales Targets, allows the Company to specify whether to use hourly sales targets and the start and end hour of the targets for the day.
Stock Receipts, allows you to edit the quantity received and quantity supplied column descriptions to suit the needs of the Company.
A special report exists in the Portal that displays the current settings for the Company by section. From the Company section of the Site Menu, selecting the Options Report link will open the Company Options Report. This report is useful to quickly evaluate the current configuration of the Company in the Portal. Use the Section drop-down list to filter the report by the section of Company Options.
In this topic we have discussed the configuration of the Company in the Portal. The Company Options screen allows you to tailor the way in which the Company sets up debtors, creditors and inventory items to name but a few configurable areas of the Portal. We also looked at the Company Options Report, which allows the user to quickly evaluate the configuration that has been set up at the Company level in the Portal.