Tutorial: Vouchers |
Vouchers can be used by your Company to encourage members to redeem their outstanding points. They are used to automate the redemption process - they are generated and sent to members and the points are removed from the member's card. The member can then spend the vouchers in one of your Company's stores. In this tutorial we will discuss the three-step process of voucher creation and we will also look at the voucher report.
Part One: Creating and Editing a Voucher
In this section of the tutorial we will create a voucher template that we will use to generate and print vouchers from in a batch. If the Navigation Menu is not in the Loyalty Menu, select Menus, Customer, Services and Loyalty. Under the Vouchers section, select Edit.
Enter a Description for the new template. The text that appears in the voucher is entered in the main text area and can include the special placeholders that are used in editors throughout the Portal. Use the New button to create another new template and the Load Default button can be used to load a provided template that you can edit as needed. Press the Update button to save the voucher template to the Portal. A confirmation message is displayed when the template is saved.
After you have saved the voucher template, a Voucher Reference drop-down list appears to allow you to select a template to edit. Two new buttons are also added to the screen - Delete allows you to remove the currently loaded template from the Portal and the Test button displays an example of a generated voucher for the template in a popup window.
Part Two: Generating the Vouchers
The next step in the voucher creation is to calculate the number of vouchers that each member requires and deduct points from their account accordingly. This process is done in the Generate Vouchers screen. Click on the Generate link in the Vouchers section of the Loyalty Navigation Menu.
Select the value of each voucher in the Voucher Amount drop-down. A list of members is displayed with their current points balance, the number of vouchers that they will receive in the batch and the total value of the vouchers. You can click on a member's name to enter the Member Maintenance screen for that member. Press the red Create Vouchers link to generate the vouchers. Please Note: This process is irreversible!
Details of the voucher generation are displayed. Upon completion the message "Processing Complete" appears and the screen returns to the Generate Vouchers screen.
Part Three: Reporting on Generated Vouchers
The Report link in the Vouchers section of the Loyalty Menu provides an historical report where you can view the details of vouchers generated for a specified Site during a selected date range. The details in this report include the Member Name, Card Number, Batch and Voucher Numbers, Date Generated, Print Status and Date, Redeemed Status and Date, Points Value, Member Balance Before and After Voucher Generation and the Voucher Value for each voucher generated. Click on a Member Name to open the Member Maintenance screen, allowing you to view or edit the selected member's details.
Part Four: Printing Generated Vouchers
The final step in the Loyalty Voucher creation process is to print the vouchers for delivery to your members. Use the Print link in the Vouchers section of the Loyalty Menu to open the Frequent Shopping Voucher Printing Report which gives a brief overview of the generated vouchers since the selected date for the specified Site. The report shows the Batch Number, Date, Value, Points and Number of Vouchers in each voucher batch.
Click on a Batch Number to open a PDF viewer for the vouchers. Please be patient during this process, it can take some time for the PDF viewer to open if there are many vouchers to be printed. From here you can print the vouchers by clicking on the Printer icon.
In this tutorial we have discussed how you can use custom vouchers to reward your members and redeem their points for them. We have described the process of editing a voucher template, generating vouchers and printing them, as well as viewing the voucher report to display the generated vouchers. Vouchers are a great way to increase member interest in your Company and to maintain your members redemption rates of their points.