Tutorial: Customer Reports |
Administrative functions can be made much easier with the help of some useful reports. This tutorial discusses the Customer Reports screen by detailing the reports available to the Portal user.
In this tutorial we will look at the Customer Reports screen, which can be opened from the Maintenance section of the Customers Menu. The Customers Menu can be accessed by selecting Menus and Customer from the Navigation Menu. Select the Maintenance link to view the Maintenance section and open the Customer Reports section by clicking on the Customer Reports link.
The screen that opens from this link contains a Selection drop-down list which selects the report to be displayed. There are two other drop-down lists that filter the data in the selected report - Gender allows you to select male, female or both in the report while the Filters filter allows you to filter the report according to state, postcode, surname first letter, valid email or mobile phone number. These three drop-down lists are available for each of the reports. The available selections are:
Customers, displays the number of customers in the database and provides a link to Download Names and Addresses of each customer into a CSV file.
Loyalty, displays the number of Loyalty members in the database and the total number of points outstanding. A link is provided to Download Names and Addresses of the members into a CSV file.
Accounts, displays the total number of debtor accounts in the database and provides a link to Download Names and Addresses of your debtors into a CSV file.
Lay-By, displays the number of customers in the database that have made a lay-by purchase. A link is provided to Download Names and Addresses of those customers with a lay-by into a CSV file.
Customer Orders, displays the number of customers that currently have a customer order in the Portal. A link is provided to Download Names and Addresses of those customers with an order into a CSV file.
Micro Loan, displays the number of customers that currently have an outstanding loan in the Portal. A link is provided to Download Names and Addresses of those customers with an order into a CSV file.
Micro Purchase, displays the number of customers that have sold items to the Company using the Micro Purchase facility. A link is provided to Download Names and Addresses of those customers with an order into a CSV file.
In this tutorial we have investigated the available Customer Reports that allow us to extract customer contact details according to specific criteria.